React.js Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.Feb 2018)

Mybridge for Professionals
3 min readFeb 12, 2018


For the past month, we ranked nearly 1,100 React.js articles to pick the Top 10 stories that can help advance your career (0.9% chance).

  • Topics in this list: Architecture, Immutability, setState, Performance, HTML, Server Rendering, Nested Routes, Lazy Loading.
  • JavaScript, Node, Angular, Vue are posted separately in our publication
  • React.js Open source of the Year: Here
  • “Watch & star” React.js monthly Top 10 on Github and get notified once a month.

As an article ranking service for professionals, we take quality very seriously and make sure each article you read is great. Mybridge AI considers the total number of shares, minutes spent, and uses our machine learning algorithm to rank articles. This is a competitive list and you’ll find the experience and techniques shared by React leaders useful.

Course of the month:

A) React Native: The Practical Guide to React Native. Build native iOS and Android Apps. [5,346 recommends, 4.8/5 stars]

B) React: Master the fundamentals of React & Redux and develop apps with Router, Webpack, and ES6. [87,635 recommends, 4.6/5 stars]

Rank 1

React, Redux and JavaScript Architecture. Courtesy of James Sinclair

Rank 2

Introducing Immer: Immutability the easy way. Courtesy of Michel Weststrate and Hackernoon

……….. [ Immer: Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one. 2,270 stars on Github ]

Rank 3

React’s Five Fingers of Death. Master these five concepts, then master React. Courtesy of Sacha Greif and freeCodeCamp

Rank 4

Common React Questions & Answers. Courtesy of Maximilian

Rank 5

Why is `setState` asynchronous? Scroll down to see the answer by Dan Abramov

Rank 6

Dragging React performance forward. Courtesy of Alex Reardon

Rank 7

React and HTML : Beware of the traps. Courtesy of Elie Dutheil

Rank 8

Server Rendering, Code Splitting, and Lazy Loading with React Router v4. Courtesy of Gary Borton, Software Engineer at Airbnb

Rank 9

Create Guten Block Toolkit: Create React gutenblocks with zero-config JavaScript toolkit. Courtesy of Ahmad Awais ⚡️

………… [ A zero-config #0CJS dev-toolkit for building WordPress Gutenberg block plugins. 565 stars on Github ]

Rank 10

Nested routes with React Router v4. Courtesy of Tyler McGinnis

That’s it for React.js Monthly Top 10. If you like this curation, read best daily articles based on your programming skills on our website.

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