Python Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.Sep 2018)

Mybridge for Professionals
3 min readSep 10, 2018


For the past month, we ranked nearly 1,000 Python articles to pick the Top 10 stories that can help advance your career (1% chance).

Tweet of the month
  • Topics in this list: Python tricks, Socket Programming, Disguise, Macros, PostgreSQL, Essential Math, Google Coding Interview, Analyze employee churn, Discord Bot
  • “Watch” Python Monthly Top 10 on Github and get email once a month.

As an article ranking service for professionals, we take quality very seriously and make sure each article you read is great. Mybridge AI considers the total number of shares, minutes read, and uses our machine learning algorithm to rank articles. This is a competitive list and you’ll find the experience and techniques shared by the Python leaders useful.

Course of the month:

A)Beginners: Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3. [85,315 recommends, 4.5/5 stars]

B) The Complete Python Course | Learn Python by Doing. [1,067 recommends, 4.6/5 stars]

Rank 1

An A-Z of useful Python tricks. Courtesy of Peter Gleeson

Rank 2

Socket Programming in Python (Guide) — Real Python. Courtesy of Nathan Jennings

Rank 3

Dijkstra’s Algorithm in Disguise (algorithm for solving the shortest paths problem) Courtesy of Eric Jang

Rank 4

Bringing macros to Python by abusing type annotations. Courtesy of Zach Mitchell

Rank 5

Python PostgreSQL Tutorial Using Psycopg2 [Complete Guide].

Rank 6

Essential Math for Data Science — ‘Why’ and ‘How’. Courtesy of Tirthajyoti Sarkar

Rank 7

Google Coding Interview — Universal Value Tree Problem. Courtesy of YK Sugi

Rank 8

Python Tricks 101: Python tips which are relatively uncommon and are very useful. Courtesy of Gautham Santhosh

Rank 9

Predicting Employee Churn in Python. Courtesy of Avinash Navlani

Rank 10

Building a Discord Bot with Python and Courtesy of Gareth Dwyer

That’s it for Python Monthly Top 10. Visit our publication to find top posts for more programming skills.

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