Node.js Open Source of the Month (v.July 2018)

Mybridge for Professionals
4 min readJul 17, 2018


For the past month, we ranked nearly 250 Node.js Open Source Projects to pick the Top 10.

We compared projects with new or major release during this period. Mybridge AI ranks projects based on a variety of factors to measure its quality for professionals.

  • Average number of Github stars in this edition: 446⭐️
  • “Watch” Node.js Top 10 Open Source on Github and get email once a month.
  • Topics: Ansi Colors, 3D controller, Data Visualization, Carbon, Salien, Next.js, Threads pool, API Boilerplate, Markdown, Crosstab

Open source projects can be useful for programmers. Hope you find an interesting project that inspires you.

Course of the month:

A) Beginners: Node with React: Fullstack Web Development. [5,579 recommends, 4.7/5 stars]

B) Advanced: Node JS: Advanced Concepts. [1,181 recommends, 4.7/5 stars]

Rank 1

Clorox: Node.js library for colorizing text using ANSI escape sequences. [623 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Jorge Bucaran

Rank 2

Web-riimote: Turn your smartphone into a 3D controller with just a web app. No native app needed. [290 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Omkar

Rank 3

Honeypot: Low interaction honeypot that displays real time attacks. In Node.js [223 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Nikolay

Rank 4

Carbon-now-cli: Beautiful images of your code — from right inside your terminal. [2291 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Miloš Sutanovac

Rank 5

Salien-script-js: A easy to install, run and update Node.js script for the Steam salien mini-game. [218 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Alex Gabites

Rank 6

Next-GraphQL-Blog: A Blog including a server and a client. Server is built with Node, Express & a customized GraphQL-yoga server. Client is built with React, Next js & Apollo client. [41 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Alexander Lööf

Rank 7

Worker-threads-pool: Easily manage a pool of Node.js Worker Threads [224 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Thomas Watson

Rank 8

Node-express-api-auth: Boilerplate project following secure standards for API auth. Includes user registration/login and authentication using bearer tokens and CSRF protection using CSRF-tokens. [96 stars on Github]. Courtesy of yang lorenzana

Rank 9

Nodejs-markdown-site: Markdown based site (blog, project documentation, etc) written with NodeJS. [43 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Peter Samokhin

Rank 10

Broadcast-channel: BroadcastChannel that works in New Browsers, Old Browsers, WebWorkers and NodeJs [64 stars on Github]. Courtesy of Daniel

That’s it for Node.js Monthly Open Source. Visit our publication to find top posts for more programming skills.

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