48 Amazing JavaScript Open Source for the Past Year (v.2019)

Mybridge for Professionals
8 min readFeb 12, 2019


For the past year, we’ve compared nearly 20,000 JavaScript open source projects and libraries to pick Top 48 (0.24% chance).

The projects and libraries are grouped into 5 categories

  • User Interface (1~9)
  • JavaScript Tools (10~25)
  • Machine Learning (26~33)
  • Project (34~39)
  • Developer Toolkit (40~48)

This is an extremely competitive list and it carefully picks the best JavaScript open source published between Jan and Dec 2018. Mybridge evaluates the quality by considering popularity, engagement and recency. To give you an idea about the quality, the average number of Github ⭐️ is 4,294.

  • Test Version with Table of Content: Go to Github
  • Node.js Open Source v.2019: Here
  • React.js Open Source v.2019: Here

Open source projects can be useful for programmers. Give a plenty of time to play around with JavaScript open source projects you may have missed for the past year.

<Recommended Learning>

A) Beginners: The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp (2019). [17,868 recommends, 4.7/5 stars]

B) Application: JavaScript Course — Build Real World Application in 2019.[11,912 recommends, 4.7/5 stars]

(Click the numbers or images below)

<User Interface>

No 1

Rough v2.0: Create graphics with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance [10220 stars on Github].

No 2

Driver.js: A light-weight, no-dependency, vanilla JavaScript engine to drive the user’s focus across the page [9262 stars on Github].

No 3

Sweetalert2: A beautiful, responsive, highly customizable and accessible (WAI-ARIA) replacement for JavaScript’s popup boxes. Zero dependencies. [v. 7.0] [8390 stars on Github].

No 4

Tippyjs: A lightweight, vanilla JS tooltip library [5450 stars on Github].

No 5

Spritejs: A cross-platform lightweight 2D render object model. [2717 stars on Github].

No 6

AutoComplete.js: Simple autocomplete pure vanilla Javascript library. [1800 stars on Github].

No 7

Glider.js: A fast, lightweight, dependency free, native scrolling carousel alternative! [1633 stars on Github].

No 8

LayerJS: Javascript UI/UX library allowing intuitive, visually intense, mobile app-like experiences for web apps and websites. [1630 stars on Github].

No 9

Pencil.js: Nice modular interactive 2D drawing library [78 stars on Github].

<JavaScript Tools>

No 10

Johnny-five v1.0: JavaScript Robotics and IoT programming framework [10168 stars on Github].

No 11

Babylon.js: a complete JavaScript framework for building 3D games with HTML 5 and WebGL [8312 stars on Github].

No 12

Pollyjs: Record, Replay, and Stub HTTP Interactions. [7282 stars on Github].

No 13

Omi: Next generation web framework in 4kb JavaScript (Web Components + JSX + Proxy + Store + Path Updating) [7041 stars on Github].

No 14

Stimulus: A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have [6879 stars on Github].

No 15

Apexcharts.js: A modern JavaScript charting library to build interactive charts and visualizations with simple API. [5264 stars on Github].

No 16

Greenlet: Move an async function into its own thread. [3908 stars on Github].

No 17

JSUI: A powerful UI toolkit for managing JavaScript apps [3665 stars on Github].

No 18

G6: A Graph Visualization Framework in JavaScript [3604 stars on Github].

No 19

Workerize: Run a module in a web worker. [3191 stars on Github].

No 20

V8n: The ultimate JavaScript validation library you’ve ever needed. Dead simple fluent API. Customizable. Reusable. [3147 stars on Github].

No 21

ForgJs: A JavaScript lightweight object validator. Go check the Quick start section and start coding with love [1534 stars on Github].

No 22

Minipack: A simplified example of a modern module bundler written in JavaScript [1480 stars on Github].

No 23

List v2: An immutable list with unmatched performance and a comprehensive functional API. [1237 stars on Github].

No 24

JavaScript Object Explorer: Find the object method you need without digging through the docs [1142 stars on Github].

No 25

Awaity.js: A functional, lightweight alternative to bluebird.js, built with async / await in mind. [770 stars on Github].

<Machine Learning>

No 26

Tfjs: A WebGL accelerated, browser based JavaScript library for training and deploying ML models. [10351 stars on Github].

No 27

Guess.js: A toolkit for enabling data-driven user-experiences on the Web [4836 stars on Github].

No 28

Picojs: A face detection library in 200 lines of JavaScript [4512 stars on Github].

No 29

Tensorspace: Neural network 3D visualization framework, build interactive and intuitive model in browsers, support pre-trained deep learning models from TensorFlow, Keras, TensorFlow.js [3571 stars on Github].

No 30

Nlp.js: An NLP library built in node over Natural, with entity extraction, sentiment analysis, automatic language identify, and so more [1913 stars on Github].

No 31

Magenta-js: Magenta.js: Music and Art Generation with Machine Intelligence in the Browser [653 stars on Github].

No 32

JeelizWeboji: JavaScript/WebGL real-time face tracking and expression detection library. Build your own Apple Animoji feature ! [470 stars on Github].

No 33

ASLT: Making Alexa respond to Sign Language using Tensorflow.js [221 stars on Github].


No 34

Tui.calendar v1.0: A JavaScript calendar that everything you need [6850 stars on Github].

No 35

Webamp: ️A reimplementation of Winamp 2.9 in HTML5 and Javascript [6467 stars on Github].

No 36

Filepond: A flexible and fun JavaScript file upload library [4989 stars on Github].

No 37

OpenSC2K: An Open Source remake of SimCity 2000 by Maxis [4354 stars on Github].

No 38

Jsnes: A JavaScript NES emulator. [v. 1.0] [4100 stars on Github].

No 39

JSpaint: classic mspaint, revived [3796 stars on Github].

<Developer Toolkit>

No 40

Carbon v3.0: Create and share beautiful images of your source code [18262 stars on Github].

No 41

Jarvis: A very intelligent browser based Webpack dashboard [4961 stars on Github].

No 42

Polacode: Polaroid for your code [4849 stars on Github].

No 43

Htm (Hyperscript Tagged Markup): JSX alternative using standard tagged templates, with compiler support. [4366 stars on Github].

No 44

Rete: JavaScript framework for visual programming and creating node editor [2843 stars on Github].

No 45

Size-plugin: Track compressed Webpack asset sizes over time. [1423 stars on Github].

No 46

Webpackbar: Elegant ProgressBar and Profiler for Webpack 3 and 4 [1220 stars on Github].

No 47

Worker-plugin: Adds native Web Worker bundling support to Webpack. [1073 stars on Github].

No 48

Subliminal: An opinionated minimalistic VS Code theme for JavaScript [582 stars on Github].

That’s it for JavaScript Open source of the Year. If you like this curation, read more articles ranked by Mybridge at out blog

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