12 Free Games to Learn Programming.

Mybridge for Professionals
4 min readApr 25, 2016


In this observation, 12 top sites were selected out of nearly 250 sites where you can learn to code while playing games.

Mybridge A.I. evaluates the quality of content based on a variety of factors to determine how useful they are for programmers.

If you’re looking for,

  • Machine Learning Projects of the Year (avg. 3,558 ⭐️): Here

The selections include free, open source and freemium sites that are designed for both beginners and advanced programmers to learn a variety of computer languages such as JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, C#, etc.


Solve challenging coding problems fun games. Supports all programming languages.

Courtesy of @coding game

Code Combat

CodeCombat is a platform for students to learn computer science while playing through a real game. It is a community project, with hundreds of players volunteering to create levels. Supports Java, JavaScript, Python, Lua, CoffeeScript.

Courtesy of @CodeCombat


Learn to code JavaScript by playing game. This game claims to be the world’s first MMO strategy sandbox game for programmers.

Check iO

Check iO is a browser-based game where you need to solve problems in Python in order to advance. (It requires you to log in)

Vim Adventures

Learning Vim while playing a game.

http://vim-adventures.com/Courtesy of @doronlinder

Cyber DoJo

Cyber-dojo is a space where programmers practice programming. Supports JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, Ruby and many more.

Open source Link

Code Monkey

Learn to code by trying to catch bananas. Mostly used by teachers to teach kids how to code (Paid).

Courtesy of @CodeMonkeySTU

Elevator Saga

The elevator programming game. Solve challenges step by step. For example, Challenge #1: Transport 15 people in 60 seconds or less.

Open Source Link


Achieve mastery through challenge. Improve your skills by training with others on real code challenges. Supports JavaScript, Python, C#, Java, Python and more.

Ruby Quiz

Ruby Quiz is a weekly programming challenge for Ruby programmers in the spirit of the Perl Quiz of the Week. Currently it has 156 Quiz Archives.

Courtesy of @JEG2

Git Games

The git-game is a terminal based game that teaches cool features of the git scm (source control management) system. The theme of the game is a scavanger hunt. Using git’s commands you find clues that will help you solve the “puzzle”.

Courtesy of Juan Gerardo Ruelas Jr.

Hacker Org

The hacker.org challenges are a series of puzzles, tricks, tests, and brainteasers designed to probe the depths your hacking skills. To master this series you will need to crack cryptography, write clever code, and dissect the impenetrable.

Hope you enjoyed it!

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